Technology and Nature: How They Are Connected


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technology and nature

Technological progress is generally viewed as opposed to nature. I’ve heard a lot of arguments about how technology is harming our planet. However, I believe that no human technology can completely replace nature’s technology which can sustain life on earth.

Technology and nature are intimately connected since technology is governed by natural laws. Experts manipulate natural materials to meet human needs and wants. Technology, on the other hand, is both the source of some of the world’s most significant environmental challenges and the power to save the planet from those same issues.

In this guide, you’ll learn:

Difference between nature and technology

Nature is the product of natural laws. Things fall into place organically, resulting in a wide range of variations. On the other hand, technology was built by humans to make it simpler for us to accomplish what we want.

But, if we look closely at how machinery and electronics function now, we can see that they are bound by natural laws such as gravity.

Some experts believed that technology is a specialized element of nature produced by human creativity to solve difficulties.

When our forefathers picked up a rock and used it to start a fire, it transitioned from being a passive aspect of nature to an active instrument. The first known technical invention was rock or stone implements.

Minerals are used in technology, and minerals come from nature. If we think technically, everything is natural. If it is unnatural, where do we draw the line?

It is not our fault that we humans happen to be smarter and learned how to utilize the environment. The sole distinction is that we are conscious and that it is us.

I believe that people are just as much a part of the natural world as rocks and trees and that our actions are as natural as the objects themselves. It is human instinct to strive to dominate one’s surroundings through technological development.

Technology and nature coexist

A few years back, I spent my whole week camping in the woods. I’ve encountered a variety of trees, plants, and insects.

It made me think about nature and the gap that exists between it and technology.

I have to spend the majority of my time on technology. During my elementary school years, I already had a computer that I utilized for homework and fun.

I was never a great admirer of nature, but I understand how vital it is in my life because it is the source of all life.

The fact is that technology and nature are closely intertwined since technology is regulated by natural principles. Most of us are aware of this. People are already aware that most technological innovations are motivated by natural concerns.

Humans made it possible for technology and nature to be linked.

Technological advancement is being used in several ways to increase people’s awareness of and participation in their natural environment.

It is extremely simple to declare that there is a conflict between nature and technology because it is quite easy to look at the state of our world today and see how technology is destroying it. However, not all technological progress has been used to degrade our environment.

But if we take the time to comprehend what’s going on, we’ll see that technology isn’t the issue. It is the way people utilize it. Technology does not oppose nature. They can even work together to make our planet a better one.

It is because of people’s self-interest that technology had a bad image of our environment.

We observe conflicts between nature and technology when we cherry-pick what we like from science while ignoring or rejecting what doesn’t.

To offer an example, there are natural illnesses that are not produced by people. We discovered a remedy and vaccination with the assistance of technology, which will protect the health of billions of people.

Another fantastic example is that as we understand more about how our actions affect surrounding ecosystems, our agriculture techniques become less environmentally damaging. Today’s farms use cutting-edge technology to produce more crops and safer food for humans.

Nature also aids technology. Natural resources are the wellspring of all of our technologies. Experts are altering it to meet human needs and preferences. Almost everything in our world comes from our nature.

I feel that if people learn to respect technology and the environment, it will have a significant influence on our world.

When I look back and see what humans have done to our nature as a result of the misuse of technology, I can no longer blame them.

Over the last century, we have seen the long-term effects of humanity’s mistakes. The best thing we can do today is to educate ourselves on how to use technology to benefit nature.

How technology affects nature

The effects of technology on the environment, like the effects of technology on civilization, have created more problems than they have addressed. However, it is not only about technology; it is about how humanity uses it.

I’m not saying that we should act like our ancestors and go back to living in caves. But, since technological advancement and increased growth of the population occurred, the negative effects of technology on nature have grown.

When you are holding your iPhone and scrolling through social media, it is not how you destroy the environment.

You should think about where it came from and where it goes. Several of these digital devices are manufactured in factories where industrial factories have played a big part in air pollution.

The harmful chemicals that companies emit into the atmosphere, mixed with those contributed by vehicles on the road that transport all of your electronics, have a severe impact on our environment. The unfortunate reality is that it occurs daily.

Other Problems that Technology brings to Nature:

  • Land and Water Pollution
  • Resource Depletion
  • Deforestation
  • Massive Energy Use and Carbon Footprint

A fundamental overall idea in striking a balance between technological growth and environmental conservation is to seek out sustainable solutions wherever possible.

When it comes to the good effects of technology on nature, one of the most pressing issues that our planet is experiencing today is climate change caused by human activity.

Experts addressed this issue with technological advancement primarily renewable energy. Significant advancements in renewable energy are now allowing more individuals to utilize it in their homes at a lower cost.

But is it enough? Quite frankly, no. The main problem with running on 100% renewable energy is that much of it is irregular.

Like what I’ve said in the first sentence of this section, it created more problems than they have ever addressed.

I’m still hoping that in a few years, things will change and technology will provide more solutions than issues.

How nature affects technology

Technology was influenced by nature. Nature has given us so much. Most technological ideas have been inspired by patterns in and of nature.

From what I’ve noticed, when engineers are seeking innovative technical solutions, they frequently go to mother nature for inspiration.

They thoroughly study nature and attempt to replicate or discover a method to use nature’s lessons to build a new technology that will benefit society.

Technology Imitates nature. Biomimicry refers to the process through which technology imitates nature.  

It’s no surprise for me why so many technologies in our time today have been inspired by animals. These are a few examples of how nature affects technology:

  • Bullet trains in Japan drew inspiration from Kingfisher Bird
  • Birds and other winged creatures inspired airplanes
  • Submarines were inspired by deep-sea fishes
  • Dolphins-inspired Navigation Systems
  • Microneedle was inspired by mosquitos

Nature has a near-complete impact on technology. When professionals create new technologies, they program them to simply react to their surroundings.

It’s strange how civilization has devastated the environment yet the majority of new technologies that are emerging today are inspired by nature. After all, humanity is always attracted back to nature.

Choosing between technology or nature

In choosing between technology and nature, I would choose nature. Science is just our method of comprehending nature. This isn’t new. Most of us have always taught that we are changing as a result of technological advancements.

But the fact is that we are completely unaware of what is going on. Humanity has never given much attention to the long-term effects of how they use technology.

Yes, technology has been really useful in my life since I was a child. I was born with the assistance of medical technologies. That makes me happy and grateful.

But what is the point of all this progress if trees are being chopped down, natural life is being destroyed, rivers are being polluted, and so on? We only do all of this for our convenience.

We resist change for the sake of protecting our future and the environment. People are digging their graves by being irresponsible users of technology.

Let me end by clarifying that I am not opposed to technology; rather, I am opposed to its reckless use.

Final Thoughts

I know you got confused about whether to choose technology or nature, but the truth is, we don’t have to.

They can work hand in hand to create a better world. Technology can help us understand and protect nature, and nature can give us the peace and beauty that technology alone can’t provide.

There is a perfect balance.

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I'm a tech enthusiast and a mechanical engineering graduate with a deep-seated fascination for machines and emerging technologies. For many years, I have been adept with digital marvels, a skill that would eventually evolve into a deep and abiding love for all things tech. 

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