The Good and Bad of Technology (A Must Read)


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is technology good or bad

I was apprehensive about my first technological purchase, a computer set because I had no clue how it would affect my life. All I knew was that I was going to use it for schoolwork and gaming. I wasn’t sure if it would be advantageous to me in the long run.

Technology is neither good nor bad; it is determined by how humans apply it. People have the freedom to select how they will make use of technology. It can be utilized to inspire and stimulate change just as readily as it can be used negatively for society. Technology was developed to give us tools that make our lives simpler.

In this guide, you’ll learn:

The good in technology

Technology had previously existed for millions of years. It existed before the emergence of many creatures on our earth.

Several methods for food production, agriculture, and transportation were developed over time.

We will begin by discussing how valuable technology is in our lives. We are all aware that technology has much to give, and if you despise utilizing one, you may be a Luddite.

Without a doubt, we can’t deny the fact that technology made our world a better place. We are more connected than ever before, from our family, friends, and partners. We are just one click away from communicating with our loved ones.

Technology is constantly available to help us with everything from communication to education to transportation. Even if most of us are unaware, technology has altered our lives in several ways.

Technology is already there whether you go shopping, attend the doctor, stay up with the newest trends, or read this article.

It’s difficult to imagine living in this world without using any technology. Many individuals can’t even go a day without an internet connection in their homes.

Technology has enabled individuals to improve several elements of their life. For example, people might enroll in an online institution to save time or money.

There are also search engines like Google that can help us obtain solutions to our questions.

In terms of work, we became more efficient and effective, especially with the help of computers. People have innovative approaches to their work which helped them save time and improved their company.

Technology has transformed every potential sector. We live in a contemporary world, which requires us to learn how to adapt to it. We must be cautious with every move we do, especially when it includes technology.

Technology as a tool

When I first spoke to my grandparents and told them about my first computer set, I fully realized that I had entered the digital age. During my childhood days, my computer was a tool for me to get things done faster and entertain me with all these amazing games.

The notion that technology can address the majority of our daily issues is what distinguishes it as a tool. However, it is only a tool, it needs a human to wield it effectively.

The influence of technology is intended to be utilized. Their influence is determined by how they are utilized, who utilizes them, and for what purpose.

As I grew up and became more of a technology expert, I realize that everything we do is not about technology, but about people, since we are the center of everything.

Technology is a tool as it can empower us in so many ways. It has put powers in the hands of ordinary people. What used to take hours or even days may now be completed in seconds.

Lives have been eternally altered, and practically every person on the planet has been affected in some manner.

Today, we think of technology only as computer-related tools, however, technology includes gear and equipment that have advanced to the point of irreversibility.

The bad in technology

There is always evil where there is a virtue. As previously said, technology has transformed every imaginable sector.

However, technological developments have drawbacks. Even I cannot deny that I abused technology.

I also had to deal with the ramifications of misusing technology. Instead of getting to work early, I was glued to social media and didn’t notice the time.

Instead of studying hard for tomorrow’s exam, students prefer to play online games and finished all the quests.

We were attached to our cell phones and found it difficult to detach from them. It was difficult for us to set boundaries that would restrict us from browsing through Facebook or Instagram.

People no longer prioritize their mental health and want to absorb all of the negativity they see in the newest trends.

The internet is a highly fertile ground for crime and terrorism. Drug dealers use the dark web as a trading platform, human traffickers use social media to entice potential victims, and many individuals have suffered as a result of cyberbullying.

Technology has also led to people comparing their life to others, which causes social anxiety. They believe they do not belong. It has a detrimental impact on their mood, which can lead to depression.

To be honest, there are many more major concerns that we haven’t addressed. When we spend so much of our time using technology incorrectly, we expose ourselves to more serious problems.

This is not to alarm you, but there have already been deadly situations caused by the abuse of technology.

Technology as a risk

In recent years, when technology was just starting to improve, we thought that it won’t bring any risk to our lives. Technology as a tool is supposed to increase our potential growth as human beings and lessen our workload. But what’s going on?

The first paragraph from this section seems obvious: technological disruption is the biggest risk we are facing. The fast-changing nature of today’s technology raises a lot of concerns.

When different technologies improve, the demands of it is people will be able to learn new skills, upgrade their mindset, and automate the process.

While a new technology arises that offers more performance and efficiency, the gains are at least partially negated by the time consumers have to spend learning to utilize it. And transitional problems are common.

Technology is a risk due to how people utilize it. Technology itself is not a risk, it is determined by how they are being used.

In recent years, I’ve noticed that the negative effects of technology on my life was increasing. Due to the overuse of technology, I had psychological and physical issues. I was very uncertain about the effects of mobile phones and social media.

I took a step back and re-evaluated myself. If we took too much time on technology, just like if we consume too much food, it can have ill effects.

Much of the common technology available to us today is so new that we don’t know what level of control we need to exert over it.

Arguments against technology

There are a lot of arguments against technology especially when people started to realize that it’s destroying their lives already.

When a new technology will be placed in the market, a specific type of argument pops up, which again will criticize how this will benefit humanity.  

The dominance of technology always seems to be questioned, but never the people who benefited from it.

The arguments against technology aren’t truly anti-technology. They are arguments made by those who don’t understand technology against its misuse.

Someone who argues against technology fails to see that technology isn’t an option; as humans, we rely on it. Unless you prefer living in a cave for your whole life.

I am grateful to the creative minds who have given us such technologies. I’ve regarded technology as one of humanity’s greatest achievements since I first saw it as a child. With less technology, our world will not evolve.

But still, there are common arguments against technology that I want to discuss here. However, in conclusion, the value of technology shouldn’t be reduced just because it’s contrary to these subjects.

  • Technology Opposing to Humans: Using technological gadgets is addicting, and it is getting increasingly difficult for humans to disconnect from their technology. The total dominance of technology damaged us so well, including isolating us from nature.
  • Technology Opposing to Nature: These technologies have harmed our planet in two ways: pollution and natural resource depletion. The destruction of nature essentially began during technological evolution. The dominance of technology over nature is huge and it destroyed habitats for wildlife.
  • Technology Opposing to Learning:  The way students learn has changed due to the advancement of technology. Technology is hurting how students learn. While technology has numerous advantages in the classroom, it may also be damaging to children’s education.
  • Technology Opposing Religion: There is a war between technology and religion that is happening decades ago. As the west continues to create technologies for a war that amplifies violence, technology is becoming an army of evil forces.

How to balance the use of technology

The best way to use technology is to know how to balance it. Learning to maximize the benefits and reduce costs is the ultimate goal.

You don’t have the technology for the sake of having it; it’s a tool that you use to perform something or achieve a goal.

Maintain your concentration on the end you want to achieve; concentrate on the problem and its solution, and don’t be sidetracked by the instruments you use to manifest that answer.

My favorite way to utilize technology is with purpose. People may now quickly do research, create movies, music, or works of art, and so forth. Rather than spending hours looking around social media, we need to create something meaningful.

You have the majority of influence over the technologies you employ and those you ignore.

It is your problem, not technology’s if you spend all day on social media or your computer. We have the option of learning new things or lounging on the couch and watching TV.

All hobbies may be pursued to their logical conclusion, but the issue rests with the individual, not with the activity.

We need to take charge of our life and never allow our tools to become the focal point of our existence.

Technology is boon rather than a bane

Technology, when used correctly, is unquestionably a blessing. It is a curse if we misuse it. Technology itself is not a two-edged sword; it is always good. It is just a blight as a result of people abusing it.

Man creates technology. Technology does not create man. So it is absolutely in our hands to use it correctly.

The Internet offers both advantages and disadvantages. Unfortunately, the Internet has been used for unlawful purposes, inflicting even more devastation.

As Albert Einstein said, “I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.”

Whereas technology’s main purpose is to help humanity in its pursuit of self-development, the opposite appears to have occurred.

Final Thoughts

When looking at technological advancements today, I see both light and shadow.

But in reality, the magic really lies in our hands because we have the power to choose how to wield these things.

It’s not about avoiding these techs, but about using them wisely. Remember that our path forward is defined by our choices.

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I'm a tech enthusiast and a mechanical engineering graduate with a deep-seated fascination for machines and emerging technologies. For many years, I have been adept with digital marvels, a skill that would eventually evolve into a deep and abiding love for all things tech. 

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