Can Technology Control Us? (Hint: They Can)


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can technology control us

All of my life, technology has been all around me. The buzz of machinery and the glare of displays have been a part of my environment since the time I was born. But tech advancement, a question disturbs me if it can really control us.

Technology has the potential to control us when our interactions lack mindful awareness. As a product of human design, it could change attitudes and ways of thinking. It is essential to use it carefully to avoid unintentional manipulation and protect personal autonomy.

In this guide, you’ll learn:  

Can technology control us?

Technology, as you can see, is a very potent instrument that humans invented. But occasionally we employ it without giving it any thought.

There are times when we are on our phones or computer, and we’re just going along without paying much attention. At that point, technology may begin to rule us without our knowledge.

I would like you to think about social media, for instance. You start checking a friend’s post, and before you know it, you’ve spent a lot more time on there than you intended.  The reason behind this is that such platforms are made to keep us interested.

They show us things we like, and gradually, we’re spending more time than we planned. You must be mindful as a user that technology may actually affect your decisions without your complete knowledge.

Oh, I would like to mention those ads that pop everywhere too. There are times when we search for a cool new game, and suddenly, game ads are all over our screens.

That’s technology trying to shape what you like and buy. It is kind of spooky to think about how it changes our preferences without us even deciding it.

Now, I want to consider your smartphones. I realize they’re quite beneficial, but we might become so engrossed in them that we forget about everything else.

Have you ever been with someone who can’t stop checking their phone, even when you’re trying to have a conversation? It’s like they’re being pulled by their screens by notifications and messages.

Tech can also change the way we think because try to imagine you keep seeing only one type of news on your feed. Imagine you keep seeing only one type of news on your feed. That can make you believe that’s the only way things are, even if it’s not true.

I would suggest that you follow different stuff online to get different ideas and not get stuck in one way of thinking.

So, the trick here is just to be mindful every time you use any technology that you have. Being mindful means being aware of how technology is affecting us.

We can decide when to put down the phone and actually talk to people. And those notifications? We can turn them off when we need a break.

In the end, technology will always be amazing, but we gotta be the boss. We must know how to use it wisely by setting some limits.

This is one way to make sure that it won’t control us. So, yeah, technology can control us if we’re not careful, but we can control it too!

How does technology control us?

In the world we live in now, many of the new gadgets we have are the ones that seem to be controlling us. They are the major reasons we spend so much time looking at screens like our phones and tablets.

1. Keeps us busy

I believe that this is the number one way how technology is controlling us. It always keeps us busy just like how you check your phone for a quick message, and before you know it, you’ve been on it for hours.

You keep scrolling on social media and you didn’t realize that time just slipped away already. You could become so busy with it that you neglect other responsibilities.  

Nowadays, our phones and laptops are inundated with advertisements designed to get our attention. It is really designed to keep us engaged in a way that can be quite captivating.

2. Tell us what to do

Have you ever noticed how your phone or computer seems to boss you around sometimes? There are times that you feel like they’re telling you what to do next.

This is a way that technology controls us, and it can make us feel a bit worried if we’re not careful.

Consider receiving a notice on your phone. It can just be an app update, a message, or an email.

You will notice that it can make you stop whatever you’re doing and you need to check your device.

It’s like the device is saying, “Hey, you need to look at me! Something new is happening!” This can interrupt what you’re doing and make you feel like you have to pay attention to the device’s demands.

3. Show us what they want

I know that you have experienced opening your device and then noticed that there are all these posts waiting for you.

It feels like the device knows exactly what you like and they show you stuff they think you’ll enjoy.

They only show us the things they want us to see, which is a problem. We don’t know how much control they have, therefore that worries me.

Every time I saw a post on TikTok or Instagram, then I keep on scrolling, and I see something else that’s similar.

And then another. And another. I noticed that it’s like a sort of tunnel vision, where I only see one type of thing and miss out on other stuff.

4. Buy more stuff

I don’t want you to deny this but I know that you are aware that technology today especially our mobile devices encourage us to buy more things.

Every time I search for a new pair of sneakers or a gadget, there are ads that will suddenly pop up with the same things that I searched for.

I felt like my device is whispering to me like, “Hey, remember those shoes? Don’t you want them?”

This is the reason why technology can nudge us to buy more stuff, and I want you to be worried about this because it’s somehow controlling us.

I also want to share those online shopping websites where you added something to your cart and then saw a message that says, “People who bought this also bought…”? Your devices are really telling you that if you like this, you must probably like these things too.

If you don’t buy it, you feel like you’re missing out. It is as if technology is gently pushing you to get even more things.

5. Be our friends

When modern devices were developed, they became such close companions that they often took up a lot of our time and attention, sometimes causing us to forget our real-life friends.

Think back to when smartphones and computers first came into our lives. Consider the introduction of cell phones and computers into our life. It was thrilling because these devices had become our new buddies.

As we got more involved in the digital world, we already spend less time with our real friends. Instead of socializing with real people, we found ourselves more preoccupied with these devices.

6. Change what we believe

Changing what we believe is the most concerning way how technology can control us. You might now have noticed this but this is already happening to millions of people. Their interactions with technology have shaped their worldview.

Let’s say you’re searching for information online, like facts about a topic you’re interested in.

The results that will pop are selected by algorithms. These are like digital decision-makers that choose what to show you.

Over time, you might find that you’re surrounded by information that agrees with what you already believe.

It means that your devices or apps that you use, are confirming your existing beliefs and making it harder to see different sides of things.

How to prevent technology from controlling us?

There are ways you can prevent technology from controlling you and it isn’t that really hard. The list that I will provide is some strategies that I want you to consider:

  1. Set Boundaries: Establish set times for using technology and for disconnecting. To prevent technology from invading every area of your life, establish digital-free times, such as before bed or during meals.
  2. Limit Notifications: Disable annoying alerts that demand your attention all the time. To lessen the distractions that technology might cause, decide to only get the alerts that are really necessary.
  3. Practice Mindful Usage: Ask yourself why you are checking your gadgets before you do so. Do you really need the knowledge, or are you just doing it out of habit? Being aware of your objectives might prevent you from becoming sucked into a never-ending scroll.
  4. Engage in Real-Life Activities: Make an attempt to participate in hobbies, sports, or activities that do not require screens because this will reduce your screen time activity, making your life more healthier and balanced.
  5. Digital Detox: Regularly step away from technology. You may reset and recover control by occasionally disconnecting, whether it’s for a day or a weekend.
  6. Reflect on Beliefs: Regularly examine your views and opinions and reflect on them. This will ensure that you have a well-rounded perspective in life and you’re not being controlled by the opinions that you saw on your devices.
  7. Educate yourself: Recognize how platforms you use apply algorithms and filter information because if you’re knowledgeable about how it works, it will help you recognize how technology is shaping your choices.

Let us always keep in mind that technology was developed because it should serve our needs, not be controlled by it. n strike a healthy balance between our interactions with technology and our real-world experiences if we know how to use it proactively.

Final Thoughts

There you have it! We are the ones in charge, not the devices. We always need to make sure that it doesn’t boss us around.

Just like we pick our friends, we should pick how much time we spend with technology. If you don’t want you’re being controlled by tech, you’ll need to be mindful of how you use it.

If you think you’re already being controlled, just apply the preventive measures that I shared with you in this article.

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I'm a tech enthusiast and a mechanical engineering graduate with a deep-seated fascination for machines and emerging technologies. For many years, I have been adept with digital marvels, a skill that would eventually evolve into a deep and abiding love for all things tech. 

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