9 Benefits of Technology (A Must Read)


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benefits of technology

In today’s environment, I feel that the benefits of technology cannot be neglected. Sometimes, I tend to think that a dull day in my life is now unthinkable due to the abundance of hobbies and pleasures made available by technological advancement.

In this article, we are going to explore the numerous benefits that technology brings to our lives.

Let’s get started!

  1. Saves time and spend time productively
  2. Improves communication regardless of distance
  3. Easy access to information, resources, and knowledge
  4. Ease of mobility and storing information
  5. Digitalization and modernization in many fields
  6. Reduces human error through automation
  7. A safe environment in banking, home, and workplace
  8. Easier assistance in disaster sites
  9. The key driver of economic growth

1. Saves time and spend time productively

Humanity is born to work. In order to save time with our labor, technology is the extension of our human physical capabilities.

For example, it would be very difficult for people to open a bottle, hence bottle opener was invented to save us time.

Also, when you intend to visit somewhere you aren’t familiar with, internet maps and navigations are now freely available which makes it easier to plan the trip quicker and more efficiently.

Time is a very precious commodity in our life and technology has been our savior.

For the past decades, technology has revolutionized our society, and we’ve got incredible tools, machines, and time-saving devices that make our lives faster.

Aside from saving us time, technology allows us to spend our time more productively.

For example, if you’re an entrepreneur, and you want to compete in the fast-pacing world, you need to invest in the best technology to leverage the strength of your workforce.

Undoubtedly, technology stimulates us to work, which leads to us using our time productively.

Fast internet connections are the clearest illustration of this; this may drive even the most sluggish employee in the room to work more.

2. Improves communication regardless of distance

Gone are the days when people used to travel with horses from one place to another or send love letters through the post office.

The invention of the telephone, smartphone, and social media applications has changed the notions of communication.

Speed is the largest improvement communication has received through technology. We can receive or distribute messages in milliseconds via Wi-Fi, cables, and satellites.

Technology is a progressive thing, it keeps on moving forward.

We’ve arrived at a position where immediate communication is possible. With one push on our fingertips, we may instantly deliver the message we wish to convey.

In the past, we need to wait for many days merely to receive the message or meet them in person.

Today, technology has come up with new ways to increase our communication and have a better connections. Video calls, emails, and chatrooms were established to give us more flexibility.

3. Easy access to information, resources, and knowledge

The way we access information, resources, and expertise is changing as a result of digital technology.

Blogs, wikis, podcasts, and instant chat may all assist us to find solutions to our issues. The web is the most common information technology that most people access today.

Software such as blackboards was also built for improved learning for pupils. Students today are increasingly reliant on technology because the majority of their academic solutions may be obtained on the internet.

During the peak of the covid pandemic, students were advised to stay at home and online learning was introduced.

This utility in technology includes students being able to learn from their homes without necessarily going to school in person and being at risk of the virus

When you want to invent anything and need a reference, you may quickly access the internet via scholarly websites.

If you want to prepare your favorite dish but don’t know how websites like Google and YouTube can educate you quickly and easily.

4. Ease of mobility and storing information

Have you ever envisioned life without vehicles, aircraft, or ships? Surely not because without these technologies, life would move so sluggish.

It would take you an hour to go to the workplace instead of 15 minutes.

One of the advantages of technology is that it makes our regular routines more accessible. Technology is the key to land, air, and water transportation. The rise of autos and railroads made travel quicker and more pleasant.

Flying was only a human illusion for hundreds of years. But when the Wright brothers created aircraft, everything changed.

It was regarded as one of the greatest innovations of all time, capable of drastically reducing travel time from one nation to another.

Technology also improved the way we store information in a cloud, hard drive, and universal serial bus.

Believe me or not, but, it is safer to save information in a computer drive than to lose it in physical files.

Once you store your data in a virtual cloud, you can access the data anywhere in the world and on any device.

Despite the common belief in storing important files on a computer, it may increase your security posture due to the depth of security features available, as well as backup and disaster recovery capabilities.

5. Digitalization and modernization in many fields

Try to think of any sector or department in our globe that hasn’t been digitalized or modernized by technology.

Technology has already modernized 95% of the population. Whether it’s healthcare, agriculture, transportation, and even religious institutions.

With the aid of technology, greater procedures in taking care of patients in the hospital have resulted in an increased healing rate.

It also led to the discovery of various diseases’ cures and even the vaccine for the Covid-19 pandemic.

Modernized agriculture has resulted in cleaner and healthier food. Farming practices have progressed dramatically throughout time, from simple hand tools to the complex machines we use today.

Because of full automation, which may speed up shipping, items ordered online are now delivered faster.

Logistics technology monitors deliveries and traffic to propose speedier route possibilities.

Several sectors have been digitalized and modernized by technology. Some of it cannot even exist without the support of technology. Removing technology from a certain industry will only result in a step backward.

6. Reduces human error through automation

The benefit of technology in this list is that it determines the future of work.

Automation is very common in manufacturing industries, without it, it will take over all of the mundane, repetitive, and time-consuming tasks that people presently perform, which can lead to errors and even accidents.

Most workers today are only concentrating their efforts on higher-level work that necessitates talents such as creativity, interpretation, and empathy.

Businesses that deploy an automated solution not only minimize human error but also save time and money.

Using an automated system for little operations that take up a lot of time helps organizations to focus on more complex jobs and decreases human error, which is especially important in manufacturing.

We need to embrace the reality that individuals make errors, and that’s something that can’t be prevented fully.

Even if you recruit the greatest people possible, you must understand that there will be some amount of human mistakes. It may be reduced with technology or automation if properly set up.

7. A safe environment in banking, home, and workplace

Society lives in a more safe environment due to technological advancements. Banking is more efficient and quicker today with thousands of automated banking machines.

Traditionally, individuals kept their money at home in a safe spot, the negative side of this is that robbers might simply break in and steal all of your money.

Today, you may store your money physically at the bank as well as digitally. You can reduce the likelihood of your money being stolen or lost in this manner.

The evolution of financial technology is that you can perform your financial transactions online without traveling to the store and bringing big quantities of money.

Bank applications on your phone are already present and you may check your money from time to time.

Not just banks, but residences are safer than ever before with the assistance of security alarms, concealed cameras, and video doorbells which lets you observe and listen to guests.

Personal protective equipment, or PPE, is the most visible method that technology supports safety in the workplace.

Wearable technology, such as physiological monitors that track an employee’s heart rate and body temperature, is also on the rise.

8. Easier assistance in disaster sites

The most typical benefits of technology during disasters or tragedies include the acceleration of relief activities, the use of drones to search for survivors, and the transmission of information to rescue personnel.

When there are natural disasters, we constantly see on the news how helicopters drop humanitarian supplies or relief products to those in need.

Technology can also go where people cannot and rescue efforts jeopardize responders’ lives.

Drones may be used to map out regions where people may be trapped and to provide first responders with live video feeds of what’s going on the ground.

I also faced natural calamities and the first thing that I usually depend on was my smartphone.

From time to time I can check updates on what’s occurring and I can simply contact my important contacts who can aid us.

Social media is particularly beneficial in times of tragedy since it may give support to individuals who need aid.

People may generate donations through social media and distribute the proceeds to those in need.

The benefit of technology doesn’t only happen after a catastrophe or tragedy; it can also forecast oncoming typhoons and notify people to evacuate in advance.

9. The key driver of economic growth

It is understood by the economics that the rise of the economy has only been feasible due to technology. Without a doubt, technology has had a significant influence on the economy today, from international commerce to manufacturing to corporate business.

Technology assists in gaining sufficient information about the optimal use of economic resources in the production of goods and services.

It also saves money and time by allowing businesses to supply and create goods or services on schedule while maintaining a consistent profit.

Technology makes a significant contribution to economic progress. There is also a reciprocal connection. More economic growth permits faster technical advancement.

For undeveloped countries, technology is very beneficial for them as it can increase the pace of their economy.

It aids in the resolution of underdeveloped nations’ social and economic difficulties, as well as breakthroughs in performing better than industrialized ones.

In every economy or nation, you will travel to, technology is an asset in offering a competitive edge to raise the country’s values and employment.

Final Thoughts

Technology offers hundreds of benefits and discussing it all here would take us until tomorrow.

In the following generations to come, more sophisticated technology will be invented and it will deliver more benefits to our civilization.

Regardless of what some people negatively say about technology, we can’t ignore how useful it is in our lives.

At the end of the day, what counts is how we utilize technology. After all, it was a human invention that we could control.

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I'm a tech enthusiast and a mechanical engineering graduate with a deep-seated fascination for machines and emerging technologies. For many years, I have been adept with digital marvels, a skill that would eventually evolve into a deep and abiding love for all things tech. 

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