9 ChatGPT Games You Can Play to End Boredom (With Prompt)


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ChatGPT games

Want to have some fun while passing the time since you’re feeling bored? Don’t look elsewhere!

I found the best way to kill boredom as someone who likes both gaming and AI. It is to play ChatGPT Games!

I’ve looked through ChatGPT’s extensive features and discovered exciting text-based games that are likely to keep you interested for a long time.

These games will surely end your boredom so let’s get to it.

1. Guess the Number

Feeling a bit bored? No need to worry; let’s play a game to inject a little excitement into your day and fight against sleepiness. It is the “Guess the Number” game with ChatGPT!

The way it works is that you and ChatGPT team up to play this awesome game. ChatGPT will think of a secret number and your job is to guess what it is. Similar to a digital treasure hunt, however here we are looking for numbers rather than gold.

The first thing you need to do is to start by making your first guess. Throw out a number like, “Is it 50?” ChatGPT will then give you a hint to guide you. If your guess is too high, it might say “Go lower!”

And if you’re guessing it too low, it might cheer you on with a “Go Higher” This is where the game gets super exciting.

The goal is to guess the secret number using as few guesses as possible. You may thus make better guesses and move a step closer to winning with each new hint. I can even imagine the satisfaction right now if I finally guess the right number!

Try this prompt: Hey ChatGPT, I’ve got a fantastic game in mind – ‘Guess the Number’! Are you up for some fun? Here’s how it works: I’ll be the guesser, and you’ll be the secret keeper. You’ll think of a number between 1 and 100 (or any range you prefer), and I’ll try to guess it. After each of my guesses, you’ll give me a hint.

If my guess is too high, you can say ‘Go lower!’ And if my guess is too low, you can cheer me on with ‘Go higher!’ Let’s keep the game exciting by trying to see how few guesses it takes me to find the right number. Ready to play? Awesome! Okay, let me kick things off with my first guess: Is it 50?

2. Word Association

I think you are familiar with this game. One of my favorite childhood games is this one because you have to use your intellect to make the connection with the preceding word.

The way to play this with ChatGPT is to picture a digital chain of words, where each word leads to the next in a surprising way. It’s like you and ChatGPT take turns tossing words into the mix. Both of you are creating a magical sequence that’ll keep you entertained.

You start by throwing out a word, let’s say you said “sunshine”, ChatGPT must respond with a word that’s somehow connected to yours. If you said “sunshine”, it might come back with “beach”. And off we go!

You will then follow up with a word related to “beach”, like “waves”, then ChatGPT responds with another word related to “waves”.

The chain will continue and each word you spit out will spark new associations taking the game to unexpected places. This game is very fun because the beauty of word association lies in its unpredictability. As you and the AI exchange words back and forth, you’ll be amazed at how the connections emerge.

Try this prompt: “Hello, ChatGPT! Let’s dive into an entertaining word association game together. Are you up for some wordy challenges? Here’s how the game works: We’ll take turns saying words that are related to the previous word.

I’ll start by saying a word, and then you’ll respond with a word that’s connected to it. We’ll keep this chain going, creating a fantastic word journey. For instance, if I say ‘sun,’ you might respond with ‘beach.’ Then, I could come back with ‘sand,’ and the game continues from there”

3. Trivia Quiz

This is the game you can play with ChatGPT where you need to put on your thinking cap because you’re going to dive into a world of question and answer.

We are familiar with trivia quiz and this AI language model is very capable of playing this game. This is a virtual contest where you challenge yourself with a series of brain teasers. These questions cover a wide range of topics from history and science to pop culture and beyond.

Your mission here is to answer as many questions as correctly as you can. You really need to showcase your knowledge powers.

The way you can play it with ChatGPT is to start picking a category that piques your interest. Say you choose “Movies”. ChatGPT will then fire away with a trivia question like, “Which movie features a young wizard named Harry Potter?” This means you’ll need to channel your inner wizard to answer that question.

Each question you answer correctly adds to your trivia glory. The more you answer, the more you’ll find yourself immersed in the game.

Try this Prompt: “Hey there, ChatGPT! Let’s play Trivia Quiz. I will choose a category and you will fire me up with questions.”

4. Tic-Tac-Toe

If you’re seeking a dose of fun, I have another game here for you. This is the traditional Tic-Tac-Toe game. You can actually play this age-old game with none other than ChatGPT., Who would’ve thought, right?

When playing this game, there’s a grid of three rows and three columns. Players will then take turns to place their mark, it is either an “X” or an “O” in one of the empty spots. The goal here is still the same, you need to be the first to get three of your marks in a row, column, or diagonal.

I love how this game is played with ChatGPT because it’s like a virtual battle of wits and strategy.

To play this game with the AI language model, you need to start by making your move. Let’s say you choose the top left corner. You’d say, “I pick the top left.” Then, it will be the turn of ChatGPT and it will make its move. The game goes on until one of you wins or the board is filled up.

This game is very thrilling because you might be plotting a strategy to win, but your opponent which is a smart AI language model, is doing the same. You need to outsmart this AI to claim your victory.

Try this prompt: “Hey there, ChatGPT! Let’s play Tic-Tac-Toe. I’ll be ‘X’ and you’ll be ‘O.’ You can make the first move by choosing a number between 1 and 9 to place your ‘O’. Just let me know where you’d like to place it!”

5. Name that Tune

If you’re in the mood for some musical fun with ChatGPT, there’s a game for you and it is called “Name that Tune.”

But hold on a second, you might wonder, can an AI language model like ChatGPT actually play sounds? Well, the answer is no, but fear not because even without producing actual sounds, it can still make the game an entertaining one.

ChatGPT will provide you with a song snippet and your mission is to guess the name of the tune or the artist behind it.

For example, ChatGPT will say, “Song Snipper 1: “ I came in like a wrecking ball..” You will then guess that song or artist. But what if you’re not quite sure? You don’t need to worry because that is part of the fun!

Sometimes, you will recognize the song or artist right away, and other times, you might find yourself struggling because you’re not familiar with it. This is a fun game for me because I felt a sense of joy when I correctly guess the song and it brings back fond memories of that music.

Try this prompt: “Hey ChatGPT, let’s play a game called Name that tune. You will play a snippet of a sing and I will guess the tune or the artist behind it”

6. Sentence Unscramble

Now, if you’re in the quest for some wordy fun, look no further because the “Sentence Unscramble” game of ChatGPT is here to save your boring day.

This game is a treasure trove of jumbled words and your mission is to rearrange them into a coherent sentence. You’re like solving a linguistic puzzle that will have you grinning as you connect the dots and piece together the missing link.

ChatGPT will just present you with a mixed-up sentence. The words are all there, just a tad jumbled. Your job is to untangle those words and arrange them in the correct order to reveal the hidden sentence.

This game is super exciting because you’re like a detective, but instead of clues, you’re working with words. For example, ChatGPT will say, “Beach a I’m to going the.” You will rearrange that, which in that case, it becomes “I’m going to the beach.”

Try this prompt: “Hey ChatGPT! Let’s play Sentence Unscramble. You’re going to present me with a scrambled sentence and my task is to rearrange the words to make it correct.”

7. Hangman

If you want some challenging game with ChatGPT, look no further because we have the classic game of Hangman. Back in the day, this game was a pen-and-paper affair. Now, you can play it with ChatGPT.

The buzz about this game is the AI language model chooses a secret word, with each letter represented by a dash. Your goal here is to guess the letter one by one until you unravel the mystery words.

But you need to be careful because every wrong guess brings you one step closer to completing the drawing of a hangman figure. You need to guess the word before the hangman’s complete.

The beauty of playing hangman with ChatGPT is you don’t need a pen and paper anymore. You just need your device. You will be piercing together a puzzle with each correct letter, and your knowledge of words guides your choices.

Try this prompt: “Hey ChatGPT, Let’s play hangman. My job is to guess the letters one by one. If my guess is correct, replace the underscores with the letter in the correct position. If it’s wrong, we’ll keep track of incorrect guesses while you draw the hangman figure.”

8. Would You Rather

If you’re in the mood for a game that’ll have you pondering, chuckling, and making tough choices, then the “Would You Rather” game with ChatGPT is for you.

You will be given two oddball, imaginative situations to choose from, each with its unique mix of difficulties and benefits. Your mission in this game is to choose which option you’d rather go for!

I consider this game like a tug-of-war between two amusing choices, and I get to decide which side I’m on.

The way you play it with ChatGPT is that the AI chatbot will throw you dilemmas like, “Would you rather have the ability to fly or be invisible?” You will now find yourself weighing the pros and cons, giggling about the possibilities. You can even come across some unexpected preferences you had no idea you had.

Let me remind you that there are no right or wrong answers in this game. Every choice you make opens up a conversation, sparks laughter, and lets you peek into the preferences of friends, family, or even ChatGPT.

Try this prompt: “Hey ChatGPT, Let’s play the “Would You Rather” game. I’ll be the participant, and you’ll be the fantastic host. Give me two fun and quirky scenarios to choose from, and I’ll let you know which option I’d rather go for.”

9. Read My Mind

This game will be enjoyable since it is all about mystery and mind-reading. The “Read My Mind’ game with ChatGPT is your ultimate go-to if you’re having a boring day.

The scenario of this game is that the AI chatbot will think of anything like an object, a place, or even a celebrity. ChatGPT will also provide a series of hints or clues and you will try to guess what’s on its mind.

Let’s say ChatGPT is thinking of juicy watermelon, it might drop hints like, “It’s a summertime treat with a green exterior and a refreshing red interior.” As you rack your brain, the thrill of the guessing game kicks in.

Could it be a picnic? A fruity popsicle? You know that the moment of revelation is just around the corner. When you finally guess “watermelon”, you will have that triumphant feeling.

Try this prompt: “Hey ChatGPT, Let’s have some mind-reading fun with the “Read My Mind” game. I’ll be the guesser and you’ll be the amazing host. Think of something – an object, a place, or even a celebrity – and drop me some hints. I’ll do my best to figure out what’s on your mind.”

Final Thoughts

That’s it! I know there are days when you feel bored and uninspired, but fear not because the world of ChatGPT games is here to rescue you from the doldrums!

ChatGPT is like a treasure trove of entertainment at your fingertips. Each game that you play is like a ticket to a new adventure.

So, whenever boredom comes knocking, remember that you’ve got a bag of tricks, or rather, a keyboard of tricks to turn the tables. Let the world of ChatGPT games be your playground.

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I'm a tech enthusiast and a mechanical engineering graduate with a deep-seated fascination for machines and emerging technologies. For many years, I have been adept with digital marvels, a skill that would eventually evolve into a deep and abiding love for all things tech. 

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